M attached that night unable to concentrate. The road was always a bad adviser, the monotony of the white line led me to the most absurd soliloquy: "We were maybe a few bitter enemies pretending to invent a new form of love? No, not much else we arrived, we were just the intersection a stupid woman haunted by a perverse and wicked woman playing with a stupid obsession.
I stopped in the middle of the long road, a jeep had fallen from a bridge. He was turned over a stream that wound into the yellow vastness of a cane that he expected the harvest. The driver, a young man, was trapped with half out of the vehicle, was on his back, plunged in just a few inches of water. While ingenious people pulleys and levers, I observed: open eyes with an expression of having given up as the water flowed gently on her face. I suddenly saw clearly that face was mine. The surface was so close, but I was caught by a strange feeling: love terribly infected with hatred, which was willing to trash myself. I had given up ...... I was that man that my eyes were inert.
"You do not drown by falling into the water but remain immersed."