L to "Las Salinas" was a lonely beach and hidden in the Pacific where I used to watch the most beautiful sunsets, or walking at night to feel overwhelmed by the infinite number of stars that shone on sea and land. The fish broke with their dark silhouettes and the twinkling lights of the horizon markers to carefully draw the moon, and the white foam of the waves eternal companion, dipped my bare feet to find the black sand.
Small crabs ran all over the cover of darkness to take the food that the sea brought them, so did the old Rosendo, ready with a line, hook and bait for a new day in your work life. A few shots of cheap rum, a pair of unfiltered cigarettes and an unforgettable fishing lesson "clean line" was what I got for her company that night, and for helping to pull the line from time to time.
about to break the dawn, after several hours of fierce fighting, Rosendo exploded in laughter, and I laughed with him laughed release: a mere 50 kilos more than he lay exhausted on the sand. The old man had earned Rosendo support her family, and I had won a memorable experience, a couple of kilos of fresh fish, and the invaluable friendship of a humble artisan fisherman.