During the English Civil War in the front line of Huesca, the Libertarian Youth of Barbastro hang a series of posters with the following :
"THE BAR: Ankylosing is the nursery of the cockiness, CERRÉMOSLE.
TAVERN, atrophy and degeneration fighting spirit, CERRÉMOSLA.
DANCE is the prelude to the brothel, killing the energies of the young fighter, CERRÉMOSLE.
cinemas and theaters, a mission-fascist work, otherwise, CERRÉMOSLO. Everyone who frequent these places are worthy of contempt "PARASITISM DOWN!" [1].
Analyzing the anarchist press time, observe similar criticism to entertainment centers, "to the situation cafeteril, obsession the bar and jukebox. " Bars, cafes and cabarets are perceived as places screened and supported by capitalism, where vice, "home and promotion purely clerical fascist, does wear the energies of the fighters, causing outrage among those who want to win the war and make it revolutionary "[2]. Even violent incidents occur, as several militant attacks on cafes and tavernas in Lleida, where "they put tables upside down, and almost did the same with their peaceful concurrent [3]. These examples show the importance for anarchists is in these moments the fight against alcohol and against public schools fun [4].
A first, simplified explanation for this focuses on the importance that every conflict has the rear, which must be seen as an example moralizing. In general, moderation is requested to be a model for the front and show solidarity with the fighters, so there are frequent criticisms of frivolous attitudes that occur in it: on the Republican side are several examples, some as early as The People's Militia, which in October 1936 requires that "has to end the embarrassment that offer terraces and indoor cafes, elegant always crowded strategists who, between sips of beer, say about the conduct of operations and commented disparagingly that the government measures adopted [5].
The ABC report incidents that occur in the cafes of Madrid, as referenced in an article entitled "False fighters and false gentlemen," February 1937: about individuals who present themselves as fighters, trying to stop the soldiers resting in some bars and cafes, accusing them of being traitors ambushed and gentlemen. Even the daily broadcasts some slogans like "the real militia with machine guns do not drink coffee [6] or" real militia is not the hero on the streets of Alcalá "[7].
In March 1937, the campaign Pro KPA launched in Tarragona has among its main objectives, structure rear-life "to end the complacency and joy in which one lives and makes life war, his mission would also close the cabarets and shows are not designed to target for war, and to prohibit the dances on Sunday [8].
Valencia, the new republican capital, is seen from the besieged Madrid as a shocking example not to follow in such difficult times. The ABC contains an article Fragua Social of Valencia, with the eloquent title " But this is a festival? ", which reads:" If this is not fair, it seems a lot. We believe the time has come to take seriously the problems of frivolity. Da grime consider Valencia. Everywhere songs, music, radio, noise, joy unbridled nonsense words, abandon, euphoria ... and the war is not won yet, nor are far fronts and is not completely cleared the horizon ... What is This? Do we live in a country of madmen, or we want to go crazy to others? Imitate the example of Madrid and serve as a model the morale of his rear. Pessimism, no, but unconscious, either; the war required. " And it seems that this animated both day and night was something that amazed those who first came to the capital Levantine " cabarets were crowded, since it opened early in the afternoon until closing long after midnight "said a British diplomat [9], [10].
country in the area find similar situations. One such master Nemo criticism in Seville ABC, faced with the idea that a standard rear, with people walking the streets, laughing and taking snacks, we are proud to demonstrate that in order reigns territory and abundant supplies, is "necessary and required to live the war from the depths of our soul and with all the powers of personality, because those who struggle in front of us call this solidarity dear" [11]. Also published a note about the frivolous complaint should not even be considered high treason, but is an accomplice and an accessory to this crime: "Do not forget you, pretty girl and insubstantial that curd ribbons and badges, you do a variety of ways to weaken the fighters of the Crusade. In doing so, you're not in the substance rather than an agent of moral decay of severity required by the war "[12].
Some local authorities are quick to order the closure of cabarets and cafes with waitresses, arguing that "there are moments of fun living Spain, much less of smoking." La Voz de Asturias demands: "we want a less brothels Oviedo and more love for God and country", and prestigious writers criticize "a frivolous spirit intrigue and cocktail ", stating that" the dead by God and for Spain will rise against re cheap, but revised and expanded, the mentality of music hall "[13].
Anarchism and alcohol
anarchism goes further, as evidenced by the fact that the fight against alcohol is a transversal element of this ideology, since its inception. Alcoholic beverages are brought from the early founding texts as a sinister poison, which the capitalist Borgias dull intended to keep away from the revolution, the will of the workers: "stupefied the toxic, does not feel the weight of their chains and degradation of slavery, "said a treaty with the eloquent temperance title" damn poison "[14]. "Workers, do not drink! Many workers, lousy parents and husbands worse, forgetting the most sacred duties, wasted half or one third of the already low wages they receive, in alcoholic libations at the bar, in the game, leaving the children and women without bread, forced to fast and victims of all the tribulations of life! "proclaims also a well known anarchist publication [15].
Alcohol is seen as a terrible weapon of the enemy to be fought, because "the higher core drinkers, more benefits of submission, and that gradually removes energy drink, health, nobility and understanding and, worse still, sense of dignity "[16]. Product and support the capitalist system, alcoholism will not disappear over with him. The effect will not cease as long as the cause. Even alcohol is seen as a formidable competitor to its own revolutionary ideology, according to Bakunin, the dangers of alcohol could derail the revolution to see consumption of workers in an erroneous output at its degrading situation and a way easy to escape the misery of capitalism. "To escape their situation (meaning the people) there are three methods, two chimeric and one real. The first two are the tavern and the church, debauchery of the body or debauchery of mind, the third is social revolution "[17].
The rejection of some values \u200b\u200bthat are considered demeaning and the utopian vision of a new society have led some historians have seen in the English anarchist movement primitive character or millenarian . Thus we speak of "austere Puritans that drove impose vegetarianism, sexual abstinence and antialcoholism one of the backward peasants of Europe "[18].
This view must be challenged and that, contrary to the assertions of some texts on the zeal of the anarchists, most local leaders and attending the lyceum and unions believe in moderation, not abstinence . The class-conscious worker, the anarchist dedicated to symbolize the spirit and knowledge needed to create a new humanity, prevents the card game in the bar, not going to brothels, do not go to church or baptized their children, and drink in moderation.
José Monroy, director of Casas Viejas argues that one can drink a little, but not too much, not drunk [19]. Drunkenness is frowned upon by anarchists, and this position has been considered by some historians as the cause of that, compared with the English case, alcohol is a minor problem in the English industrialization process [20].
We also mention the interesting relationship established in the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century between anarchism and naturism. Naturism-both with regard to dietary habits and natural medicine and of contact with nature, have an important influence in many anarchist thinkers, as reflected in magazines such as Helios or Initial . In this context, the rejection of alcohol and snuff are evident: "The worker who has to breathe unhealthy work atmosphere ... evil can naturalize your life and customs. Further, despite everything possible to avoid multiple influences is harmful to their health, such as alcohol, snuff, tavern, messiness, and perform other beneficial, as the field trip in search of sun and fresh air, choose food spoils the least harmful. " Or this one, aimed at young people to promote nudism including: "Get direct contact with nature at the time that the struggle for bread leave you free ... Escape from bars and cafes; away from you the snuff and alcohol, and brutalize you sick " [21]. According to the eugenic discourse dominant at that time, we must promote the eugenic factors that enhance physical and mental condition of individuals (physical activity, good nutrition) and neutralize the dysgenic : alcohol, the snuff, STDs and, above all, destroy its primary cause: poverty. Alcohol
the English Civil War
English Civil War (as in many wars of long duration) leads to increased alcohol consumption in each of the opposing sides, both the front and the rear [22].
Throughout the war, the wine (and by extension, all other alcoholic drinks) is considered an essential part of the power of the individual caloric intake that is granted. Not surprisingly, it contained various medical treatises and hygienists of the time, and even their own military tradition.
From Military Hygiene English manuals proclaimed that the wine may tolerated especially in the field to maintain physical strength, moral power and a certain euphoria, that in certain circumstances it may be useful "[23]. Throughout the whole conflict is part wine ration campaign regulations and was replaced by beer or cider on extraordinary occasions. In the early months of the war, alcohol consumption is even higher: a report of a Quartermaster Captain Franco Northern Army indicates that as of November 2, 1936, have already given their forces 600,000 liters of wine at a rate of one pint per man-day, twice the amount of regulation, a package of snuff every three days and twice pure anise [24].
Given the high consumption, the Quartermaster General of Burgos he claims that in April 1937 that "the current consumption of wine reached a volume so large that it is safe to say that to continue in the same proportion could be difficulties. " Referred to the exhaustion of reserves, the lack of packaging, transport difficulties and the poor harvest of the last two years and aims to reduce the amount of wine that comes in front and the removal of this product in the rear fittings . The response of the Commander in Chief of the Northern Army, written by hand on the same report, is so stark as blunt: "provides that, having wine in abundance, do not give received" [25].
Franco's army will seek to establish tight control over production and, thus, in August 1938 the City of Zaragoza received a telegram from the Fifth Military Region, where he announced that all stocks and the production of beer the city are operated by the Army to keep military hospitals without supplies [26].
In the Republican zone, the waste of alcohol and other assets at the outset of the war is also important, forced to take action, either disciplinary or deterrent. Sample of the latter is a poster with the image of a militant and in the bottom and lying on the floor, a bottle that pours wine and half a loaf. Allusive text says "Gunmen! Do not waste municipalities or food, or energy. " Popular Militia in states, two months after the uprising, they have come to the front lines to two million bottles of beer, but also shows the complaint of the comrades working in the factories producing the non-returned never packaging, resulting in damage [27].
This initial waste situation and problems in the rear sometimes cause the Popular Army Quartermaster serious problems as in the case of the 153 Brigade mixed column ex Land and Freedom , where you get to set in September 1937 rationing of wine and other products, which provokes protests from the soldiers ("we have been accused of being incompetent, plugs, thieves, scoundrels," say the quartermaster in charge of the Brigade) [28]. A witness says a U.S. brigade, however, that the military conscientious Republicans "had, in effect, a puritanical attitude towards alcohol and sex. Getting drunk or getting a debilitating disease syphilitic not only the individual but also to the army. Both events were often compared with the wounds that were self produced or injury through negligence "[29].
Although, as we have seen, from both sides encouraged their rearguard to bear hardships with dignity in the context of war drama, hunger and sacrifice is not surprising that the population (civil and military) seek intoxicant refuge in the more accessible it was: alcohol.
For its part, section A highlight of the Diari de Tarragona notes the increase in beverage sales alcohol to be consumed by the civilian population at home, and, "when asked buyers about the reasons for the sporadic action, have shown that drinking makes them more bearable many concerns, especially those that refer to the problem of provisions "[33]. Wine and spirits become a very valued in the cities of the rear: in Tarragona, the sale of wine prices go from 0.40 pesetas per liter in July 1936 to a quarter in October (the official ceiling price is being 0.40), two in July 1937, three in October, 3.50 in January 1938, five in July of that year and up to 7.50 in October [34]. The authorities seek to control trade in this product, though the allegations and seizures are common.
Anarchism and temperance fight in the English Civil War
summer events of 36 marked a decisive turning point in the English anarchist movement: the fight against the rebels, the long awaited arrival of the Revolution and dilemma of collaboration with other labor forces and the republican institutions are the basic pillars of English anarchism during the war. In the combined task of sinking the existing world and building a new one, the fight against alcohol also deals an essential role.
In its fight against the vices of the capitalist world, syndicalists advocate a reorganization of bars, taverns and nightclubs. On February 13, 1937 close the two nightclubs that operate in Tarragona and its openness to influences that provide "a decent show," ie, "socialized vaudeville spectacle, comedy and so on., Full artistic, moral and with box office, excluding obscenity and switch defect was concealed or openly with people of different sexes, with the consequent abuse of alcohol beverages and to brutalize and degrade the man "[37]. In
the nearby town of Reus, the Trade Union of Public Entertainment gets the reopening of Eden Concert local provided for improvements in local hygiene and a ban on serving drinks of any kind [38]. moreover propose a campaign to promote temperance by health unions anarchist conferences and lectures and also defended as an alternative to prostitution, bars and cabarets, attendance at cultural centers, libraries, youth instructional , cultural centers, schools and unions rationalists CNT, while seeking healthier choices for musicians and prostitutes. Some alternatives to be considered as not very successful, given the amount of text which criticizes "the greedy behavior of fun, waste of life in the cafes ... while soldiers die in the battlefield [39], [40].
anarchist From the perspective shown in this time of war a different view from the traditional to the problem of alcohol and alcoholism. The alcoholic patient is no longer a victim of capitalist exploitation is now a traitor to the Revolution: "In these moments of supreme concern, binge drinking should not be tolerated. The drunkard is a wretch that must annihilate "Says the weekly agitation. He who gets drunk at the moment still a comrade to become an enemy "[41]. "A drunk is a parasite. Abolish it! "Requires a notice of the Department of Public Order of Aragon.
caused by drunken incidents in Madrid and Barcelona are frequent, and punishment, for anarchists, required. This is the case of an employee of the Workers' Cooperative Fish Wholesale in Madrid, which appear drunk after work is suspended for a month pay [42]. A senior union leader is also reported by other students for being drunk often seen by Valencia streets, and so hindered his promotion to the Deputy Secretary of the National Tobacco "for their mistakes and defects detrimental to the libertarian cause" [43].
anarchist An example of interest in the search for suitable alternatives to wine production, essential to the economy of many English regions, is the promotion of non-alcoholic products such as mostillo , however limited as evident by the lack of flour. Another example is the creation in 1938 by the Regional Federation of Peasants and Food in the call center biol-uva , "No will of anemia, an outlet other than grapes to make wine, and" loyalist Spain provides a healthy and nutritious food. " In a promotional brochure extolling the qualities of the product, a concentrated grape must, made in Manzanares, and, in addition to solving the supply problems, solve the crisis in wine, improve health, could be exported and, finally, would fight alcoholism by indirect means, the most effective, "with one liter of concentrated must dine a family of six with some bread. With the equivalent in wine (three liters) dinner not only one, but, having no other thing would come out all drunk. " The disadvantages, however, are numerous, and quality (bad flavor syrup), or the amount of production is adequate, and even supplies the delegation of the City of Madrid for a long time paralyzed the capital distribution by considering it as a wine-sweet wine or drink alcohol compared to any other [44].
One area where anarchism has remained more active during the war, making it one of the most important means of propaganda for the ideology and vision of the new company, is the cinema. The film production and distribution of Republic is initially in the hands of the CNT-FAI on the strength of its entertainment industry: the Trade Union of Public Entertainment, the majority in the sector.
The importance of cinema and its educational value is enhanced by various anarchist leaders as Joseph Aloma, Councillor of Culture of the City of Tarragona, whom he considers to be programmed a cinema with titles of "social bias" that serve "revolutionary constructive work," thus rejecting films purely commercial purpose "[45]. Coincident
in their approaches, SIE Anarchist Films producer decides to make a series of "educational films" dedicated to the "hygiene customs," that is, the presentation of the struggle between labor and capital virtuosos, kidnapper of conscience and remunerative vices and virtues , "which has condemned many to alcoholism, hospital, prison or prostitution by their peers" [46]. Among the films highlight "Shantytown" by Pedro Puche (1937), set in a much maligned by anarchists as the underworld, and which are intended to reflect "the dramatic struggle between relaxation and loved products that are not contaminated of impurities in the middle "[47]. The film includes references open use and trafficking of cocaine for the first time in English cinema.
In terms of titles produced by SIE Films are also references to a series of short films, about twenty minutes and add considered films, which unfortunately have lost the most, but certainly reflect the anarchist view on the vices of capitalist origin. Its aim is to remove the public awareness of these issues. Thus, "Prostitution," the melodrama of Luis Fernandez Ardavín and directed by V. Catalan is presented as "a very firm and well founded diatribe against the social evil which gives its name to the production." For its part, "As beasts", also V. Catalan, is "a lively and critical steely against alcoholism, highlighting the ravages of such deadly vice, both individual and social agency." "Last", by Pedro Puche, is a "funny-serious point," according to a sign at the beginning, which is also engaged in the same problem as above. These last two films did not premiere as it is estimated that implementation is terrible and questionable ideological opportunity [48], [49].
Next to the cinema, also the poster-critical in a society with such a high degree of illiteracy, is promoted as a means of education and propaganda. An example is a poster, published by the Union of Agricultural Industries, Fisheries and Food, CNT-FAI, which presents a sleepy smoke, clutching a bottle and a glass of wine and some playing cards in the foreground. The accompanying text is eloquent: "Workers! The service will lead to despair and madness. Avoid it. "
From step of the CNT by the Republican administration left little trace. His brief participation (between November 1936 and May 1937) and the plight of the Republic make it more significant is the fact of the participation of anarchists in a government that they actually do [50]. In any case, we stress the importance of the figure of Federica Montseny, Minister of the new Ministry of Health and Welfare, established on November 4, 1936 from remnants of Labor and Interior. In addition to addressing the huge problem of refugees, Montseny known for its health policy-oriented preventive medicine. It is considered that the socialized medical care and preventive health measures should be the key new development in order to provide a comprehensive health and social response to the needs people's health. As the same Montseny said in a speech held at the Apollo Theater in Valencia on June 6, 1937, "in Health tried as health policy, prevent disease, not to have to cure them, locating the source of infection to avoid having to heal epidemics, to be always alert to cases widening, not an issue "[51]. It also proclaims his frustrated desire to have fought against the evils resulting from social and economic inequalities, such as prostitution. The fight against alcoholism, of course, would have been included in this strategy.
FINAL CONSIDERATIONS Despite all the efforts mentioned above, we can say that most of these measures do not achieve their objectives. Among the causes that allow us to explain this failure, we highlight the following:
1. The political context of the Civil War is not at all suitable. The priority needs of war and political infighting in the Republican zone, culminating in the events of May 1937, marking the defeat of the revolutionary anarchist theory and limit its political and its possibilities of action. To this is added the internal difficulties of the anarchist groups, with a mass membership at the beginning of the war people becoming aware, that blur the personal commitment of its members. As an illustration, in this case referred to snuff, "we can cite the indignation of a former militant of the CNT who, returning from the front, observed that fellow rearguard was engaged in speculating with cigarettes, a precious commodity and disputed [ 52].
2. Moreover, the defeat of the insurgents in much of Spain and the role of the armed militias of the unions, which control much of the power beginning in the Republican zone, make seizures, and collective land (including wine) and businesses (including these those in the hospitality industry) are very numerous. This logically implies that there is an economic concern for achieving profitable farms, and that is not enough at all, as we have seen, with non-alcoholic products derived from grapes. The aforementioned Regional Federation of Peasants and Food Centre to resolve the crisis would be wine-prewar-by improving the quality of the wines and promoting the production of fortified wines and spirits, encouraging even anise plant established in Madrid and property of the CNT itself, despite the many difficulties (inability to purchase boilers, lack of anethole-essence anise-etc.). Also, despite the difficulties of transport, try to reach the capital large quantities of wine to sell in warehouses and stores collectivized inactive for lack of this precious product. In fact, between 30 October and 26 December 1937 Madrid can only be about 250,000 liters, insignificant amount, given the existing demand, and the problem is accentuated throughout the year 1938 [53]. This causes some problems of awareness among members: a writer conscious of publication ilerdense Acracia is indignant because traders have dared to trivialize the revolutionary icons for sale its products: "Anise The militant , Cigarette paper CNT, Prices antifascist, Café July 19, here is the new terminology of trade ... In a bar in the leading guarantee of workers' control and consuming cognac, read this sign: companion, this property belongs to you Exalt "[54].
3. Finally, we note a third essential element: the social status of alcohol is, at present, extremely positive. In addition to the war situation, already causing emotional processes that may plunge the alcohol, a factor that reinforces their social value: the false myths related to drinking and, in some ways, still existing today. Alcohol is seen as a staple food, a tonic, an exhilarating, a painkiller, a remedy against the cold or simply a substance that can escape from such ruthless reality [22]. A case can serve as an example and, perhaps, in conclusion: before the intervention effort, and at the end of the war, all the phlegm and alcohol from wine waste by the Undersecretariat of Armament Republic to meet war needs, the Federation of Anarchist peasant replied that, if accepted, would have to stop its production of spirits and liquors, and that "it is true that are not considered essential items but, given the current circumstances and the effort that must require workers and fighters, sometimes not so well fed and out of want, almost need to reach such consideration "[55].
Authors: Mariano Lázaro
Arbués 1, Manuel Cortes
White 2 (1) degree in Geography and History. Professor of Geography and History.
IES Salvador Vilaseca. Reus (Tarragona).
(2) Doctor of Medicine. Preventive Medicine.
Defence General Hospital, Zaragoza.