What I heard and how often? Never mind, I want to hear again, "On the radio" Dona Summer, that is the song sounded in the Christmas of 80, 00:05 am the exact moment that changed me, not him that I had understood it-but by wealth. I hear it again and I feel nothing, no pain or sadness, just the memory of which, fortunately, never came to be. "The Windy City" and rent a small apartment were left without us, what choice ... But our dreams? ... Where would our dreams?
The news cheered me at any time, however I must confess, my friend, that when I heard, I felt like I heard once again "On the radio", without any pain or sadness. Surely mine it was just a whim, used to say ... But you, my "Lady D'arbenville" ** What was yours?
On your grave, distance, forgiveness, forgetfulness and a flower.
** Lady D'arbenville is a song by Cat Stevens have taken the title for this post.
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