l E epic romantic pursuit of the conquest was never hard for me as when I decided to get the girl. I thought it would be easy, but it took me three months to harass those who joined a declaration of love and two appeals that responses obtained by a "let me think a few days", a "not yet" and "give me a little more time", which almost lead me to the renunciation.
She was temperamental and unruly, had a beautiful face and long black hair more beautiful than I have ever seen .... but her eyes were brown which, despite its insolent look, made me lose myself in the poetry with which the operator drew women.
The coveted "Yes" transformed my birthday (May 15, 32 years ago) one of the most pleasing thing I remember, but our romance did not survive the war we are waging a stubborn few who never knew love ponder because our encounters were almost always it is to drown love swallow pride and show no pain. If not for the memory of the smell of rain and the electricity that we created with the touch of our hands, or the fire that came between us with the simple proximity of the kiss, it would not be able to understand the nonsense with which both feelings insufferable bun that so stubbornly wanted to call it love.
"Man is jealous if loves women too, but not love." -Kant-

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