Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bat On A Christmas Tree

19 de Julio

People do not feel

People breathe, walk and notes
turns eyes to strangers.
People wait at the right time,
stops and deteriorates, loses and walks

chaining destinations do not exist.

-no crying, no laughing, no-thrills

When the party finished, we will not be
and you'll look and not see more than shadows;
and sacrificing everything that was
-strangers again be behind the glass-

but in the end things stop,
embrace and retain
because eventually things return,
and return to what they were.
-and space is created when we accept defeat, "
And when the bright rays
enlighten you and the moon reaches its zenith in the sky, as well as find
time ago when things were so again be.
Because in the end you look at me and not see more than shadows,
and depart towards the sun that is your final resting place.

moon called you my goddess
but I had nothing to do
-I swear-


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