Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blueprints On A Kitchen Island

Sin espacios

In my daring raid by the absurd places,
am nothing more than a ghost looking for a scar
why strain my silence in your dreams.

And maybe sleep calmly in your lap,
again and again while I hide in corners
of a world that neither know.

Among the contours of a time waiting, looking

may be and make me a word that emulates

rapt silence with which I look;
from which to attempt ASIRT with some speed.

and awakening time and time again,
or invading a world that may disappear,
seek incessantly to annihilate
closing eyes appear in a place I do not know-
pledging again jump into the void,
with the fear of crashing into the ground again
of your bare feet.

Back at infinity, the slope of the fall, feeling a presence
empty for a moment, you get to see in absent light and dark-

and noise, and frequency of your voice, my presence
undulating magnetism warm breath blind. In an instant
swirling around me,
-around my ghostly presence, appear,
and embrace my being ethereal, and I can not flee,
encuntra me and if I run into you.
-not-want to run away more


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