Thursday, February 5, 2009

Halogen Light Placement

ex Nihilum

is a prelude to the final of the things they decided to explode.

Now, of course, I write vainglory to revenge the cruelty and passion that exacerbated things flow and nothing comes the illusion of committing old crimes that I have been forbidden, no matter when ... does not matter why ... but I write apologies to silence, apologizing for my strident voices that just break the peace ... and remain monotony.

But Ex nihilo nihil fit, I mean that nothing comes from nothing, or my words or my voice or my silent cries, and I do this with respect to time and I have been walking around in a room, drinking in the twenty-sixth cup of coffee day, and cigarettes or count.

decided things explode, as rarely happens in space-time constants. On my side were the ashes and across pop collateral damage ... which is not much when compared with the powder, the same way to bounce back lights and mirrors ... and dazzle the eyes.

but no, not things, not the lights.


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