And or seek my own formula for life, convinced that this formula is different for everyone, and not universal as the mold that aims to sell postmodernity. The group expects (and in some cases required) to fit me so transient that sense the "right thing" with the single argument of "because it has to be" lex dura lex which is to undergo if he want to integrated into the fold. Irritates me that people stand to impose their clichés and conventions, based on his personal concept of yin yang, and Zarathustra said: "I've traveled around the world and have not found words more powerful than good and evil." How submission can be imposed on men with this pair of vipers!
Surely those who often burn incense to all the relics of the shrine of the established, condemn me to die at the stake for my terrible daring to be "different" and the exoticism of trying to describe so insolently the "invisible emanations of my soul ". And, while I look more different, more horror because they realize what they're identical. It's that and nothing else, what has made me a loner some romantics who pejoratively called "playboy of memories, fantasies and dreams", and others with less poetry and charm, called "misfit."
Surely those who often burn incense to all the relics of the shrine of the established, condemn me to die at the stake for my terrible daring to be "different" and the exoticism of trying to describe so insolently the "invisible emanations of my soul ". And, while I look more different, more horror because they realize what they're identical. It's that and nothing else, what has made me a loner some romantics who pejoratively called "playboy of memories, fantasies and dreams", and others with less poetry and charm, called "misfit."
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