Suffering Syndrome "todolopuedo" had, at an early age and loneliness, my first trip to USA. Nine o'clock in the morning when Carmen, hotel waitress, came to my room to clean the site. Shyly confessed my countrywoman, she told me that he had "papers", which was licensed in administration but who worked day hotel and dinner in a factory. Carmen's life in the gay Miami could be described in three words: sad, lonely and narrow. His face pale, gaunt and bony, revealed the pain that caused the distance and absence. In a gesture of solidarity I asked him every time I came to do the cleaning, take what he wanted from the mini-fridge that was in my room. She whole-heartedly thanked my offer, but never take anything. All I could do for her was to bring upon my return, any commission to their parents, who come to bring a beautiful friendship.
Several times I visited my compatriot in Florida, taking him from his family letters, to a box with your favorite fried chicken. Carmen made great efforts to learn the language, after years of living with the fear of being deported was welcomed an amnesty that allowed him legal residency, he studied while working, married to another wrestler like her, became a citizen, came to be manager of several hotels, and one day he returned to Guatemala to be with her in those old men who never forsook. Carmen did what seemed impossible, he made his biggest dream.
Since this keyboard I want to express my respect and admiration for Carmen and all those who, to paraphrase Coelho- "made the difficult Decision to leave for a dream, all they had obtained "
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