The recovered companies are those in which its workers have taken control of them. Many times after an alleged situation of bankruptcy.
to take action and make it productive enterprises by the workers themselves these, apart from the patrons, has notable precedents factory occupations of Italy in the 1920's.
Thus, the traditional hierarchical firms led by a chief or group of leaders, become self-managed cooperatives where the workers who decide at a meeting the decisions that affect them.
Although there are numerous cases of recovered and self-managed cooperatives, we will focus on the case of Argentina: Argentina
has been an arena where they have implemented and consistently applied neoliberal economic policies. This led to a situation of structural crisis whose throughput was installed in all possible dimensions of the crisis: economic, political, legitimacy, representativeness, hegemony and counter-hegemony, and social.
Policy measures such as privatization of state services, customs open to all sorts of foreign goods, investments and loans at high interest rates, financial speculation market ... led to a de-industrialization of the country, with the correlate of massive unemployment (unemployment than 25% ), depletion of more than half the population 36millones inhabitants, which grew into Undue the gap between rich and poor.
The concentration of wealth was the direction in which government and market partnered to implement all its operations.
Corruption was also structural, since in all areas: economic, judicial, social and outside, there was no shortage of course, also partners to avert all a perverse system where every day they entered the poverty and marginalization thousands of women and men.
The country was thus led to the third-globalization.
Against this background of deprivation, in both basic needs and the threat of a future worse off were the workers, swelling the numbers of unemployed. Companies
closed by bankruptcy, many times fraudulent or because their owners left them. Workers in some of these companies chose to defend their jobs. They took the abandoned factories and decided to start producing the same, "Recovering and making their own."
These decisions were not easy and meant a whole series of actions of resistance and struggle of all kinds. Had to endure police repression, legal pressures, economic and social.
The Movement of Recovered Factories and Businesses:
The phenomenon of recovery companies in Argentina is part of the new social movements of resistance to the neoliberal model. Picketers, movement of the unemployed, neighborhood assemblies, and join in solidarity MNER mutually constituting the association network of resistance and struggle in Argentina that has been systematically devastated.
Occupy, Resist, Produce reinvicativa is the voice of the National Movement of Recovered Companies, a voice that stands today more than 190 companies.
In this way, are organized workers outside the political-economic power. Actually generated from what has been excluded, marginalized the power in its various dimensions.
workers are stripped of their jobs, undertake the struggle for recovery when the employer fails to pay wages, or leaves the factories where they do not offer returns that characterized ambitious entrepreneur logic.
The strategy is simple and clear: recover the jobs. It is the struggle of logic, the right to work, compared to the twisted logic of capitalism.
The tools have been implemented to concretize the fighting in different fronts has been to become co .
The cooperative association is the legal and they have taken to confront the state and the legal system against the threat and the decision of the bankruptcy of factories by the judge / a competent, opens the possibility that it is being ceded to the workers.
Of course, this decision belongs to a judge / ay only through persistent pressure of workers, support local assemblies, communities, BAT and some other media coverage has made the recovery of the different companies
In all cases, the organizational form is the direct representation sovereign assembly- , wherein the horizontal is the organizational engine.
That the means of production into the hands of workers labor redefines a culture different from any previous experience lived by their peers. The logic is different, the self , with its power in making decisions, in contrast to her responsibilities previously only competed owners of production units, the income equality of all workers leave scale back wages as hierarchical solidarity turns its back on competition.
In the physical space of the factory also operates another transformation in the symbolic level. The factory is open to the outside retrieved. The community makes her own from different locations: the conflict ceases to be exclusive of workers becomes a reality to claim the neighborhood, village or community. Factory opens its doors to live in her artistic expressions, cultural centers, training centers, formal education (high school youth and adults), health care ...
factory thus passes become a private space to public space.
Each partner now has regained his job this way has experienced in its subjectivity recovery processes in every way possible: recovery of self-esteem to the danger of joining the ranks of the unemployed, recovery of the sense of fellowship and solidarity with the rise of extreme individualism of the Menem decade, and above all a sense of triumph that raises awareness to each small step achieved.
The MNER is defined as an autonomous movement of all power and that has been built from the actions of the bases. Since its practices have been built valores contrapuestos a los hoy hegemónicos. Accionan desde la cotidianeidad y en esa cotidianeidad construyen el futuro, dando prioridad a la sociedad civil sobre el Estado.
La lista de empresas recuperadas comprende un espectro de singularidades y cada una de ellas es el resultado de una complejidad para la resolución de las distintas dimensiones del conflicto. Desde la reciente recuperación de una fábrica de 400 trabajadores hasta una escuela o una clínica conforman la diversidad y al mismo tiempo la unidad.
Y desde esta mirada el Movimiento Nacional de Empresas Recuperadas es un acontecimiento, una nueva forma de resistencia social a lo hegemónico.
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