A cold had not felt before, through my soul so suddenly that I had no opportunity to discern their origin, I think it came from the second pack of cigarettes "square" had purchased that day, that cold was launched on me, just as he tried to turn the last "square" that I had left, and hit me hard when I found out, bewildered, that despite having recharged days before, my lighter was totally empty.
She did not attend the appointment, and I sat atop the small mound that stood at the neglected park of Miraflores we called the school field. " Although he was never prop, she was always, and his absence upset me as much as my sudden shortages. Bizarre
images flashed through my mind as the sun daubed mocking twilight sky, and all the music I listened this afternoon, stuck in my mind, like it was in stone, the Paul McCartney song, "Band on the run". Even I can not hear that song without feeling a deep sadness, because that was the first time I glimpsed the bottom without touching it. Suddenly he understood the reasons for his absence and never let me call my girlfriend, my eyes were opened by the vision of the deep abyss where I was gorge, abyss into which she walked away from me, trying desperately do not crawl.
On my insistence we frequented by several months without being formally "nothing", but I must admit it was very painful to see how his youth was consumed while I just started my teens, tried to care for as much as it allowed me enough time spent together. The great love she felt for her I was able to cope with what it was, because, despite everything, even in its worst moments, Sonia used to be a girl as sweet as beautiful.
I swore that the "acid" made her feel "more free than the wind, but tears that begged me to follow his example never prevented me from believing. Nor the tears I saw in his face the day I said goodbye in the middle of that "touch" of the rock band Crazy Horse, "allowed me to take as true the words he used to break my heart and life away from me forever.
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