Misuse historiography of anarchism
Mauricio Basterra The theme of the English Civil War and the labor movement and its protagonists, is the subject of ongoing research that makes us increasingly closer to a reality exciting.
While there are many papers addressing this issue in a serious and documented, as well as reports and testimonies rescue valuable time, other studies only serve to inflame passions or justify putting existing ideas as a witness to history. And the latter is not only unique to the political right (which is pseudo-characters of the underworld to rescue all the works of Franco's dictatorial period), but left that wants to justify his position by blaming others. And, curiously, they want to blame those who today, for various reasons are more difficult to defend or downright impossible.
A series of works, both literary and cinematic, it has happened in recent times and has put the spotlight on the anarchists. Some with outright bad faith, others by complete ignorance of all that are anarchist ideas. We
never seen a wide range of stereotypes about anarchism. From documentaries like "The honor of injuries" to novels like "Black Powder", to alleged reports as "Diary of a gunman anarchist" to works of historical research as "The Shield of the Republic" or "The Battle of Madrid ". In all gives a distorted view of anarchism, a deepening no figures that make up the story or make a generality. In this last line could also fit the book "The Revolution Betrayed." Each of these examples (many more) can you argue your ignorance, partial or complete, of the history of anarchism.
The case of the documentary "The honor of injuries", by Carlos García-Alix, rescues the figure of Emilio Felipe Sandoval Cabrerizo. Born in the Madrid suburb of injuries in the late nineteenth century, traces the life of this character from childhood to his death (Suicide) in Madrid just after the war. While Sandoval not be denied or militancy or anarchist ideology, the truth is that their actions and behavior are a minority mode of anarchism in general and in Madrid in particular. And here is where we value that Garcia-Alix has erred. Because been confused within the anarchist structures, "confederal advocacy group," "anarchist specific group" and "action group." The first was created by the CNT to carry out concrete actions against the employers' interests when the situation of working class was in some kind of danger. The vast majority was in labor. As Members of these groups should be emphasized Cipriano Mera and Eduardo Val. The target group were anarchist affinity groups, mostly in Madrid within the FAI. Its mission was more political and social awareness among citizens purchase extended anarchism. People like Melchor Rodriguez or Lorenzo Iñigo belonged to this group of militants. As regards action groups were completely isolated, had no connection with the CNT or the FAI, even though its members may be affiliated with either organization. His actions were more expeditiously. Sandoval belonged to these groups were a minority among the movement. It is even condemnation of such actions counterproductive to consider social progress of anarchism. The full FAI January 1936 condemned the assaults as a means of revolutionary action.
Sandoval's presentation during the Civil War as a leader of the "policeman of the revolution" with a relentless fury leaves bad taste. is talk of "Czech" anarchists, as anarchists have never had Czech. The Czechs were the Communist Party's secret prisons. The anarchists participated in the prisons of the Popular Front, with all similar organizations. Prisons with Juan García Oliver as Minister of Justice are closed, as that prisoners with bags of Melchor Rodriguez in front.
Making a general evaluation of this documentary is clear that the image of anarchism is distorted by the figure of Sandoval, whose actions and procedures were minority (especially considering that the sources used in the General Cause seems on many occasions that no are questioned). It seems that anarchism was composed of legions of gunmen, thugs and gangsters. What some right-wing pseudohistoriografía called "gangsters of the Republic." How far from the reality of the moment ... not referring to the rich discussions of the libertarian movement Madrid, where Sandoval never entered, social and cultural development of it is the only explanation for the growing influence of the CNT was acquired in the trade union field Madrid in defiance of the UGT. Not to mention quite fuzzy limits of workers' societies and unions of the two organizations.
This type of vision serves to Angel Viñas historians and journalists as Jorge Martinez Reverte, come to conclusions completely aberrant cases of repression in the Republican rearguard. For Reverte Vineyards and CNT's involvement in the killing of Paracuellos is obvious. For Viñas read its pages is almost an apology for grudge against anarchism. Despite the existence of the act that plays Reverte, but does not give any information arhivístico of it, the objective data of the historical moment makes us see that the CNT had nothing to do with Paracuellos. should be asked to revert from where the name of Love Nuño, who was elected Minister of Industry in the Defence Council of Madrid (JDM) to implicate him in the slaughter. Because it does not take into account that controls out of Madrid in the early morning starts Paracuellos executions are in the hands of the Junta de Defensa de Madrid and not the CNT (go over the minutes of the Board Defence of Madrid). I had not taken into account that the battalions of stages of the bags of prisoners are controlled by the communist and non-anarchists. Because if the Accountability Act that speaks to execute quoted also refers to prisoners that has prevented the assault on the Chilean embassy where he had Fascist ambush. Why so anxious to blame the anarchists, when brake actions are based precisely on these issues anarchists? Because they Melchor Rodríguez García Oliver, who hinder this. But for Vines, García Oliver is just a hypocrite. It validates the whole version of prosecuting such anarchists in this matter. And above all they have done without any documentary approach. It is certain that all members of the Popular Front organizations that formed the JDM knew about the bag of prisoners and the execution Paracuellos. Knowing is not run and much more when they are declaring the execution of more than 2,000 people and pointing names like Love Nuño.
Another dimension is the book of Miquel Mir,
"Diary of a gunman anarchist." In this case dance to the source. According to the author that day he picked him up FAI archive in London. What file FAI in London?
In London there is no file of the FAI. IAF files found on the Institute of Social History in Amsterdam and there are microfilm copies of them in Spain. There is another part of IAF files generated in exile in France. But in London there is nothing. How does that work for Miquel Mir held 80% of the IAF file? Do not you know FAI Documents tituralidad thereof are recognized by agreement with Amsterdam? How is it possible that if such documentation is handing it to the Generalitat of Catalonia when it is legitimate owners? I know the FAI and file does not contain any newspaper or any list of executions. What is curious, as happens with Reverte Vineyards and having a very definite ideological affiliation, in the case of Mir is a member of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC). And it's funny that to counter responsibilities of other groups always have to acknowledge them.
varying degrees, to be a novel, we can refer to the work of Montero Glez;
"Black Powder" . The author recreates the preparations and events of the attack that makes the backpack Mateo May 31, 1906 against King Alfonso XIII on his wedding day. While the book begins with a strong criticism of the police attitudes of the time, then move bag and baggage to a whole conspiracy theory about the origins of the attack. And as was said at the time, and then some authors have continued, despite
is more they demonstrated that was not so, it aims to Francisco Ferrer Guardia as the instigator of the attack. The author is based on a play like José Esteban, "The anarchist Mateo Morral," which also points to the involvement of libertarian educationalist.
is widespread evidence that Backpack does not act induced by anything and anyone. As Angiolillo had done in 1897 or against Maura Artal,
were individual actions, because for them life threatening promoters of repression against the labor movement could be the spark that triggers the outbreak of a revolution. Vision was fulfilled at all and was constantly criticized by organized anarchism. In the novel by Montero Glez confused a whole lot of characters from the underworld of Madrid (again, as in the case of the work of Sandoval, the attempt to link the anarchists with the criminal underworld) that leave all the schematics should be . Mateo Morral A sick and outlined in all respects an obsessed Ferrer or phrases totally implausible as it puts into the mouth of Carlos Malato (which appears as an ordinary bomber) that it is better to continue detaining Ferrer to continue doing propaganda anarchism. This is what Montero Glez says in the novel that told Malato "Fernando Tarrida Marble." This completes each and Franco
rightist view of history, where everything was the result of Masonic conspiracies, of anarchist- Republicans (in the pages of the novel also shows the director of The Mutiny, Jose Nakens) and used the backpack scapegoat, all scaffolding so well done that not even the judges took notice and released all the blame for the plot. Nothing to envy, at present, given the regular season on the 11-M.
But while there is all this literature and dealing with anarchism works from an entirely unprecedented, there is another that arises, that under a libertarian umbrella
reached similar conclusions. Perhaps, to name but one, the work
"The Revolution Betrayed. The True Story of Balius and the Friends of Durruti result would come across an amazing story of anarchists betrayed by their own comrades, led by militant libertarians spurious interests for their own benefits (such as anarchist ministers) and making the CNT and FAI completely organizations for children, where only a minority as "Friends of Durruti" knew the reality of the situation. Little has been documented about the author.
If anything distinguished the CNT along its entire existence was his pragmatic analysis and at the same time revolutionary. Collaboration with the Republic Civil War is not confined only four ministers (the fifth, Segundo Blanco, nobody remembers it.)
The minister was not mayor or councilman, who was not in police took command in the army, etc. If something has to distinguish the position of the CNT and FAI during the war was precisely because of the generosity in agreeing on its principles in view of the military victory over the rebels. Something no other political group loyal conducted field. But it seems that there is a general tendency to make the story. "The Friends of Durruti" were a small group within the CNT of Catalonia, the CNT is not itself. These defenses so bitter these groups remind me Munis Grandizo work of Marxist, "Milestones of defeat, promises victory", where everyone was wrong unless the small group he headed. With this way of understanding the English Revolution is given to see a number of militants of the CNT, (do not forget that the largest labor organization of the entire field-fascist), inappropriate and perverse manipulated by a minority seeking power. Nothing was further from the truth.
could put many cases (for example, the extensive literature that emerged around May 1937, with works such as Ferran Gallego), but it would lengthen somewhat, resulting in the same. 's work historiography anarchist or anarchism question has to do a serious, meticulous and quiet. Material no. There are files, such as the CNT and the FAI, completely unexplored for many investigations. Like search for documents in general files with bundles still unexplored. Likewise, these studies will always be platforms that facilitate their dissemination and knowledge; Germinal. Journal of Libertarian Studies and Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo (FAL) are the two best examples of this. And this without ignoring the work in many other areas is being done in the same vein, whose sole mission is to recover the history of the English libertarian movement.
Article published in the Bicel (Internal Report of Libertarian Studies Foundation Anselmo Lorenzo), December 2008.