"Suicídese, s'il vous plaît!": That Vanity Fair magazine titled an article in its latest edition which uncovers who benefits from suicides in the French company France Télécom.
Through many interviews with employees, union members and managers, will unravel the mystery journalist of the 25 suicides and 15 attempts over year and a half. And, managers were proposed in order to cut staff to reduce costs, as many were officers, had to get them to leave on their own feet.
macabre stories of suicides as an employee who spoke with a buddy for an hour until they are left overwhelmed by a train, something she heard or that another employee of France Télécom, hanged himself with a telephone cable, combine with the most scandalous of deaths and massive depression in the company: in 2008 the 100,000 workers added 2 million sick days a year, between 15 and 40% of the salary of managers depended on their ability to discourage and cause employees to leave the company and helping to set up even the profile of suicide: male, officer, between 50 and 60.
methods to promote the casualties were shocking: mobilizing people job, and city office several times for no reason, go to a computer to "marketing" and a technician were the softest telemarketer. The statements are breathtaking: "Every morning, on the road that took me from home to work, cried" , "Officials can not lose their job, but we can required to do whatever it anywhere. Those who are under contract, we can not ask them anything anywhere. But we fire! ":" I have seen how a director, in public, pointing a finger at someone and say, "Because of him have not reached the premium." Imagine! Everybody was against it! ".
The slogan "A call, a sale" screenprint at the office, was not a goal, it was almost an obligation.
And, not just managers earned more if they could lower officials and fired more people, but workers' wages also depend on what sold in terms of extremes, so much so that the offices appeared seriagrifado "One call, one sale." In fact, by selling short, to get up much or go to the bathroom a minute before the job, an employee received serious warnings or withdrawal of a portion of salary.
But France Télécom as billed 53,000 million euros in 2008 flatly denied these charges, until a sinister plot to hear the head of Human Resources of the company: "The number of suicides has not risen over the years. We recall that in 2000 there were 28 cases and in 2002, 29. "
However, in September 2009 jumped the last scandal, in which a worker left a note accusing France Télécom directly to his death : off alarms, Sarkozy pressured the company that the French government is involved in 26% and it was decided to allocate half a million euros analyze the problems of workers and trusted enjean-Claude Delgenes to "establish a good working environment", 12 years after the madness begins when the privatization of France Télécom, madness got a cut of 30,000 employees and closure of three offices in five years.
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