Although official Soviet history always stressed that both armies were one, the reality is that this is false. The Bolsheviks knew growing weaker, fighting against the White Army and allies, and lacked the infrastructure and resources to equip, moving and feeding troops. The possibility that the Black and the Green Army will fight against the White armies in Ukraine was desired by the Bolsheviks, so that the Soviets were always generous in providing men to either of those two sides.
The Bolsheviks respected the black flag and territory conquered by the Black Army. In return, the Council allowed insurgents to install a provisional Soviet territory: The Soviet Military Revolutionary Workers and Peasants Insurgentes. What at first was a Soviet character Executive anarcho-communist character, soon lead to conflicts between peasants and workers, as it was obliged to enforce laws and restrictions of liberty ordered from Moscow, and the peasants Makhnovists recognized no authority above them, except that they would impose.
view of the Bolsheviks, Makhno was behaving with excessive autonomy, for carrying out activities that will soon clashed with the political commissars sent by the Red Army from Moscow. The essential point is that Makhno ordered not coerce the freedom of action of farmers and coming to his defense when they were attacked. That caused numerous skirmishes between pro-Soviet and anarchists, which implied a political conflict.
There was a clash between the armies of Red and Black because of bad relations between anarchists and communists coincided with the great offensive of the White Movement in the summer of 1919, supported by Russia were allies during World War World bourgeois sectors, pro-Western Mensheviks and the Green Army.
First Denikin and offensive alliance with the Ataman Grigoryev
Maknho knew that sooner or later anarchist society would be swallowed by one of the enemies, although deep admiration for Lenin kept him convinced he can agree with him.
In January 1919, the General Staff of the White Movement ordered a gradual withdrawal of the Ukrainian Nationalist Army troops Verde. The order is accepted by the Nationalists, and that subordination is not accepted by Grigoryev (Army Green) and his troops declared in default. Therefore, attacking the army in February Verde, under the banner of the red flag even though he be not a Bolshevik. It is understood that the use of this flag was due to the common will of the Bolsheviks and Grigoriev troops.
In April 1919, Grigoriev military allies ousted the White Army. From that moment the Bolsheviks torture chamber activity was increasing in major Ukrainian cities and looting of Ukrainian fields managed for the maintenance of the combat units of the Red Army. These raids brought killings and executions of whole families of peasants and workers, anarchists and nationalists.
data exist that suggest that, despite their victory over the armies of occupation under red flag, Moscow's orders were clear about Grigoriev, should be eliminated intelligently because despite being a hero who fought under the Communist flag, his ideas were incompatible with the Bolsheviks.
There had been contacts and links between Grigoriev and Black Army of Makhno, but both the national consciousness like no anarchism rooted second precluded any agreement with a Ukrainian nationalist and Grigoriev. On the other hand, was a history of involvement in anti-Semitic pogroms Grigoriev, equivalent to being a murderer in the eyes of libertarians.
clashes between anarchists and Bolsheviks unions were growing. The economic consequences in this period were high inflation, which allowed trade unions argue that inflation was consistent with the wishes of the Black Army to benefit the farmers who exploited natural resources at the expense of harming the urban workers.
Nothing advanced by the Bolsheviks was true. The crisis was due to Austrian and German troops had come to the aid of the nationalistic positions during 1917 - 1918, charging in the form of agricultural production. This collection, due to economic weakness in Germany and Austria, looting soon became, and they rose to meet Ukrainian mercenaries infested White Army service.
The local soviets policies practiced uncomfortable for the rural population, and were producing hard altercations. occur peasant massacres carried out by Bolshevik guerrillas supported by the Red Army, and are persecuted anarchist leaders, including Néstor Maknho.
In that moment of conflict in the making, the Chief of Staff of the White Army, Denikin, ordered an offensive against the Army Black in a surprise attack and took Gulai-Pole (June 6, 1919). Mikhalev
Pavlenko (Russian anarchist) was seized by the Bolsheviks on 13 June 1919 while on his way to fight Denikin troops in an armored train, and executed a few days in Karkhov.
This was the one that ended up causing the agreement between two personalities as different as those of Grigoriev and anarchist army, which was signed on June 25, 1919, probably by the policy of the common enemy (first the Green Army after the Bolsheviks).
The Bolsheviks, appalled by the possibility of enemy armies as White, Green and Black, decided that the only way not to be annihilated in an area as difficult to master as Ukraine, was to break the company formed Grigoriev and Makhno, who joined several million people.
How the Black Army exercises its sovereignty in Ukraine is viewed with skepticism in Moscow and dislike of the Bolsheviks, whose lack of appreciation torture chamber to politicize society. Trotsky first raised the possibility of eliminating the Black Army, made up of anarchists without any willingness to submit to the Leninist project. clashes between the Bolsheviks and anarchists are increasing, and apparently Lenin understood that the main culprit is the Captain Grigoriev that, unlike Makhno, has never relied on the Bolsheviks.
relationship between Black and Red Army had not deteriorated despite the series of murders, for the simple reason that the Bolsheviks were not concerned that it did and the Black Army had no choice. First the Black Army was tough and frightened the enemy with his quick and devastating attacks, and secondly because the Bolsheviks regarded Makhno more akin to their ideals that Grigoriev, and it was not getting rid of Makhno and leave alive Grigoriev .
Unlike Makhno, Grigoriev (which they fought under a red flag, something that never made Makhno) thought it was easier to an understanding with the White Army forces with the Bolsheviks despite the opposing ideas of Makhno, behind which corresponded with the nationalist pro-White.
Grigoriev When retreating after the devastating attack Denikin's White Army in the summer of 1919, Makhno was called by a Congress who were celebrating the anarchists.
According to official Soviet history, Makhno was felt betrayed and ordered the murder of Grigoriev after the Bolsheviks send him a letter written by him to Symon Petlyura, Ukrainian Nationalist Army Green, who collaborated with the European Entente Ukraine sought to conquer.
Makhnovists sources attributed the killing to a reactionary speech at a conference Grigoriev anarchist. Apparently the speech was disarmed by Makhno, and Grigoriev, feeling embarrassed brandished a gun and called the fight to his personal guard, prompting a firefight that was resolved in minutes.
The Black Army then mobilized more than 15,000 men, many from the Green Army since mid-1919 appears to be the only armed force ready to combat the spread of the White Army in Ukraine, reinforced by nationalist Army Green English, French and Polish ...
General Denikin The delay in the final attack on Moscow, debido en parte a las tropas que aún mantiene en el Sur de Ucrania luchando contra el Ejército Negro y con las que contaba para la ofensiva final. A finales de septiembre de 1919 el Ejército Blanco, en mayoría numérica, persiguió a los makhnovistas hasta obligarles a combatir a campo abierto. Combatieron durante dos días, al cabo de los cuales el Ejército Blanco huyó después de perder dos regimientos. En ese momento incierto para el Estado Mayor ruso, varios regimientos del Ejército Negro atacan sorpresivamente el grueso del ejército de General Denikin y en la batalla de Uman los aniquilan casi completamente, ocupando, también por sorpresa, las principales ciudades. Las tropas del Ejército Negro atacaban con amazing mobility, destroying three white regiments in three days, during which he completed an advance of more than 350 kilometers.
Makhnovist expansion broke enemy morale. The Black Army won key positions for supplying the British troops advancing on Moscow. The interruption of the supply route greatly weakened the White Army and its allies.
Since then the Black Army retained control of Ukraine for several months, while the Red Army ravaged the White Army remnants remaining in Russian lands without any form of supplies.
Shortly after the Bolsheviks re-enter Ukraine and soon Soviet power permeates the entire society. To avoid major conflicts, the Cheka not mobilized against the peasants, but many disappear. Farmers anarchists and other rebel continually against the Soviet decisions taken by them. The clashes between anarchists and workers Bolsheviks bands are constant in the big cities, while in the villages, involvement with the anarchist cause is total.
In spring 1920 the Council of Insurgentes, mastermind of the Black Army, received orders from Moscow to move their regiments to the Polish border to the rescue Red Army is being severely beaten on the Western Front. The Board of insurgents led by Makhno refused. was war raging between the two armies , lasting several months.
In the same spring of 1920 the Bolsheviks venture into Gulai-Pole, arresting and shooting to Lepetchenko Sawa and Makhno, brother of Nestor Makhno.
During that same spring of 1920 Baron Wrangel reconstructs the regrouping White Army troops defeated Denikin. For his part, Insurgentes Council decides that the main danger is the White Army. The peace petition sent to Moscow but the Army Red does not answer.
These movements are used by Soviet propaganda services, reflecting back to the Black Army planning an alliance with the White movement. But those talks never happened.
During these months there is an epidemic of typhus among the troops of the Black Army, and die a little less than half of the combatants.
acts of war continue, so the Black Army is further weakened by the White and Red armies, so much so that sometimes the Black Army is attacked by the Red while retreating before an offensive White. The wounded and sick villages are usually carried anarchists are frequently assaulted.
During the summer of 1920 recovering Baron Wrangel many Ukrainian cities and expels the Red Army in the region, undermining the Bolshevik troops, that were recalled. Then agreed to hold peace talks with the anarchists.
Both sides released prisoners. There was talk of granting various departments Ukrainian anarchists, so they could develop in them their "social studies." The final agreement was very favorable to the Bolsheviks, the anarchists as a reward for obtaining the retraction of the Bolsheviks, who denied that the insurgents sought ally with the White Army. Product
Peace Treaty in the autumn of 1920 both armies agreed to act together, delaying the final agreement before the imminence of responding to attacks from the White Army.
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