The Bolshevik betrayal
mid October 1920, Army Black Makhno commanded the White Army fighting led by Baron Wrangel, defeating and capturing over 4,000 prisoners. The White Army withdrew to the Crimea peninsula.
acting together but under different flags, Red and Black hosts were handed the task of attacking the White Army. 13 to 14 November 1920 the Army Black took both positions and isolated the Wrangel's White Army, causing them to flee.
The Red Army took the city without casualties, and sent 150,000 troops from Russia. At such times, the Black Army had neither organized 5,000 men, and had just defeated the White Army (much higher in number) after a 9-month war.
After defeating the White Army, Karetnik is called by the Red Army on the night of November 25 to attend a military council by which to adjust future conditions for coexistence of hosts Red and Black, and societies anarchists and communists, once expelled the Whites. On the way is captured by the Bolsheviks. That same day the Red Army imposed a single staff for both armies, something that does not accept the Black Army. Karetnik is shot like Peter Gavrilenko, on 26 November.
On November 26, 1920 there is a Red Army attack rested all Black army positions in the Crimea. The proportion is 30 per Bolshevik anarchist. The victory of the Bolsheviks was inevitable.
When the Red Army attacked Gulai-Pole, there is Makhno with about 250 cavalry troops. In a numerical relationship very unfavorable, the Black Army cavalry faced cavalry forces broke the siege Bolshevik enemy. Gulai-Pole fell into enemy hands, but managed to escape Makhno.
December 7 Martchenko and troops are in Kermentchik Makhno, the absolute desolation of Makhno seeing his Cavalry was virtually annihilated. Martchenko, to dismount to greet Makhno, said: " Yes, brothers. Now we know what the Communists ." Black Army remains are isolated. There were only 2,500 men to fight the 150,000 Red Army troops.
The remains of the Black Army meet again under the command of Makhno, who completes a unit of 1,000 cavalry and 1,500 infantry. From the first week of December are the most important positions attacked the Red Army in the area Gulai-Pole. Kalachnikoff died in that attack, one of the most prominent members of the Council of Insurgentes.
On 6 December, the Black Army has regained some of its territories, including Gulai-Pole, and Lenin ordered the deployment of reinforcements from Moscow.
mid December 1920 the Red Army recaptured the positions you took the Army Black, whose supporters and alleged supporters were massacred. It seems right to consider this date as the end of Black Army, and that since then (before the numerical inequality) the anarchists were organized as a guerrilla, forming commands less than 100 men.
led by Makhno's forces were forced to fight for more than 15 hours, and any damage cause they got the Red Army was negligible because the Bolsheviks had only fought in that war. It is estimated that there were clashes every day, and in each confrontation red forces were higher by 4 or 5 times the actual anarchists.
The disaster was a matter of time. Known Makhno meritorious victories, which came to do more than 20,000 prisoners. is known that more than 3,000 of these prisoners have joined the Black Army, and that (due to the inability to feed and because of the slowness that would mean for the troops) prisoners who refused to join them were released after have been disarmed.
Thereafter troops guarding Makhno went to the West. After eight months of uninterrupted persecution guerrillas in August 1921 reached the Romanian border. Makhno crossed the border with numerous injuries.
Martchenko, general manager of the Black Cavalry, was killed in February 1921 by the Red Army in an ambush. In spring 1921, Peter Rybin was arrested and shot by the Cheka Kharkhov days later. Kojin Thomas, commanding general of the Machine Gun Corps, is seriously wounded in combat in May 1921, and disappears. Kurilenko, stationed in the war against Denikin, died in a clash with the Red Army in June 1921. Also in June 1921 Stchuss dies, Russian-born anarchist and friend of Makhno. Belach Victor falls into the hands of the Red Army and disappears.
But the end Black Army was not the end of the Makhnovists. Makhnovist guerrilla fighting continued until 1924.
Components in exile in what was the army Makhnovist came as the International Brigades during the English Civil War, these Ukrainians were part of a company led by "Lieutenant Shevchenko" within Mickiewicz-Palafox Battalion of the Thirteenth Brigade International or Dabrowski Brigade, which crossed the Pyrenees after the fall of Catalonia, and who participated in the Resistance.
According to the historian Franco-Bulgarian, Frank Mintz, even during the Second World War, the impact appeared Makhnovist since that "Ukrainian guerrilla groups still brandished the black flag and fought against both Nazi and Stalinist" . (p.303), one of these partisan groups was organized in 1943 around Kiev by Ossip Makhnovist Tsébry. When Stalin died in 1953, there was a major insurrection in the Gulag where he was a black banner with the name "Makhno" written.
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