Monday, April 25, 2011

Free Clips Making Love


Yván Silén, Puerto Rico



Desde hace un siglo, la filosofía se está muriendo.
Peter Sloterdijk

Tras haber roto la promesa de ser una with reality. . .
philosophy is bound to criticize itself. W. Th

Zarathustra [is] the truth laughing. Friedrich Nietzsche

Laughter think. George Bataille

The Antinihilista is laughing and laughing anguish poetry. . .
The poet is the undertaker of philosophy.
Yván Silén

This "death", the genocide (the death of God, death of history, the author's death - the death of men -) not to throw us to apathy or nihilism, or the sarcasm. Faith will be the face of the forbidden. We believe that we are forbidden. Approach the neofilosofía (eschatology), this metaphilosophy we are, is closer to a betrayal that should not be said, but involves the very meaning of happiness. Thinking is the bliss of being.

On the other hand, philosophy is an accumulation of corpses. It's closer, despite the history that has separated us, or history has left us, that need to be the surprise that we are. Is closer to a depth of absurdity and a political denial of suicide. (NO WE Nihilist!) We are antinihilistas de la liberté and we are radically opposed to slavery awareness Demokrat. Despite our sympathy for Cioran us not sink into nihilism of followers. Because anti-Kantian must choose between contemplation of "witness" and the action of praxistas (effects). Always keeping in mind that contemplation is a betrayal of motinescos. Puerto Ricans are moving us always, but we do not like, including the possibility of betrayal to ourselves in the consciousness slave suspended and the possibility of war. It is thought from the practice. And cogita from empiricism. Experts ungrammatical poetry with unprecedented violence of the radicals.

But though the prologue sounds or feels "light", is later than you think poetry or allegory of nihilism (2010), and it appears at times to sing thinking. The texts included in Smerdyakov are simultaneous or are children of the crying of nymphos (1980). We know there are disappointments appearance (Baudrillard) or weak hermeneutics (Vattimo), but none of them are satisfying. To make sense of our thinking we have to adhere laposamente the entity that seduces us and the entity that makes us conflict. And away, but this proves a stumbling block to European thinkers. The three trials that included trying to "unconscious" and ironically they are breaking. This break must be necessary, urges us, compels us, because the "critical" has become consumptive. The "critical", the test (your proposal, your essay), is sick. The "critical" sidista capitalist.

The metaphilosophy is the philosophy that has departed radically from the "philosophy," lewd Demokrat thought of neoliberalism. And what is "critical" could not understand yet, in most accidents (thought as a tragedy: "I think I could dream") metaphilosophy is that sensitive. The one on the sixty-six years I have expelled from the university (colonial) of Puerto Rico means, one way or another, that this has something to say metaphilosophy radically: Puerto Rico is a nation that has never fought a war itself. And always has been injured and forced to fight for the nation that has invaded and have been outraged. Our thinking is on strike in relation to the rhetoric and slogans-the-neoliberalism-and-of-the-"allies." The metaphilosophy not repeat power. Nietzsche's struggle against the power ("he who obeys not hear himself"), despite having sacrificed his poet, and Kierkegaard, in an attempt to sacrifice himself for the Church, can not repeat power.

Power has sought Demokrat burn alive. But our "silence" imposed and our ignorance forced yanquista, English and Latin American are part of the stake. The "witch burning" has become philosophical. I burned skin existentially and "soul" burns ether. Anti-critique from the right, sensible and sensitive from the right. Anti-critique from the same paradox. The paradox has become real. The demokracia is trapped. I "cracked" to the unconscious-sensitive (the unconscious, dream) criticize the political right. I approach from the aporia itself: I play things (things I am), I carimbó things. I am the "living flesh"-will-be! I am, "raw", the sensitivity of my anti-critique. The anguish of love and continuing love of anxiety (the anxiety of thinking and thinking constantly of anguish - sorrow, drowning, sorrow -). I suspect politically and philosophically reject me because mourning (because I did not mention, because I say what is not "should be" neither politically nor "anti-metaphysical" or antilog).

The "preconception" are the utopias of Europe. For this reason we assumed vitally the Suspect. We do not believe in the defeat of the Nihilists, or in the ambulances of the postmodern. Our rebellion is the very beginning of things. Our rebellion bigbanea. We metaphilosophical to all the indignities (Caligula). We are facing critical faggotry bourgeois America. And we have no choice but to philosophy anarchy "indecent. Artaudsianamente shoot against all ideological mirrors of silence is an emergency. A naked truth (an idea - a metaphor - a handy) is a terrifying truth. A naked woman is a political truth. A naked woman stops at all the uncertainty and all the successes of reality. A naked woman is none of their own truth is the lie of his own appearance, because there is nothing to hide. The truth is the essence of the lie. Hiding is also a way of being. The "phenomenon", says Heidegger, hidden or traffics in his own appearance. The philosophy has been delayed. Has come late to his own sementerio. His criticism of himself, his metaphilosophy adjacent, is overwhelming. But this experience inevitable, the destination-of-being-what-you-are, this being different, this awareness against the goods to be, are too overwhelming of a radical discourse (language of a radical, radical writing) that is urgently needed. This urgency is not about anything with haste. Mercantilist philosophy, by its silence ghetto merchandise has avoided in most cases, political criticism against power, against the institutionalized and opportunists. *****

Am I a ghost? Friedrich Nietzsche

Poetry should not be a hospital. . .
[you] could get rid of me with the excuse that I am a poet.
Sören Kierkegaard Kierkegaard
being rethought. W. Th

unrest Freud's culture, influenced by Nietzsche, has become "the nihilism of demokracia hegemonic" or the popularization of the anonymous man. This discomfort Demokrat culture has manifested itself, and manifests itself as immoral, as frivolous, vulgarisation, "performance" and as neo-ideology state apparatus. The discomfort American culture has polluted the world through globalization. His main point is that the demokracia has become imperialist invasion of Grenada, Panama, Dominican Republic, and the bombing of Iraq, against Afghanistan and Libya. This imposition, established since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is its cultural fatality fatality occurs within metaphysical ideology: God, freedom, humanism, etc.

cultural nihilism that Nietzsche complained to Europe has been transformed into nihilism Demokrat of imperialism. Since then it has absolutely nothing happened, or happened only death. Nothing happens postmodern Demokrat and defeated. Philosophy, indecent has taken the form of being in the closet, the cubicles and niches.

Philosophy is a bug (not significant).

-sarcastic philosophy "is" a scorpion "Is" a beetle pushing its ball of dung against many of the gods. Philosophy sin of simony atheist and agnostic! The "philosopher-of-power" (the demokracia) are simoniacs! They are merchants! But poetry continues to be the pleasure of distress. (And the anguish continues to be the "pleasure" of poetry.) Nihilism, meanwhile, is the conscience-torn man idiot. Nihilism is manifested as the "conscience" of man-thing. This "nothing" is the moral outrage of the Demokrat man (the man in the crisis and the man of the disvalues).

No sarcasm postmodern can then overcome the schizophrenia or the man Schizo "non-being," Schizo man suspended in the occurrence of unemployment. This, motinesco, resist from the most radical of his thinking that aims to "annihilate" and "ashes" to reality. But this, the reality itself, and resists change. The men zombimente change and it changes them. The reality is, therefore, the disharmony that exists between consciousness and the world, "objective", which is manifested through its many revelations.

But what metaphilosophy subversively seeks to change is that difference that Kant established between the "sensible intuition" and the "intellectual intuition." The presence of the object is constant and this constancy allows the subject to internalize it, I think and feel simultaneously in a single image. Intuition means vision. This intuitional is allowing the intellect and sensibility is manifested through the intellectual metaphor and concept-sensitive. The schizo is poetry the realm of intuition. Intuition is the harmony of opposites. The intuition is dialectical. This theory of intuition (or the intuition of the theory), between the sensible and intellectual, no longer be a suspect. So we are thinking and feeling from the suspect. We are seeing what inmirable from the intuition itself. The metaphilosophy not only Insolubilia (= antinomy) of logic, but of life itself. The contradictions are insolubia the unconscious (dreams, poems of it) and dreams of the true problem. It is the very oddness of being (the) paradox. The poet-paradigm proposed here, the poet was "cremated", is what gives testimony metaphilosophical the philosopher is thinking and who testifies poetic song. This poet-philosopher is one who has been buried in the censorship and silence.

The mystic recognizes the entity "schizoid, the body-legion-consuming: I am the erotic! "Mystic" metaphilosophical, is a seducer. His love is more awesome God. But God does not want to mystical simonewellmente in the Church's institutionalized corruption. God wants mystically mundane. For the mystic is the love of God in all its carnal rage. The mystic is the lover of metaphilosophy. Lust is the charm (beauty) of his own poetry. The mystic logic leads to the dark.
He is the strangeness of the feed, then, paradox, poetry, then, am, schizo, then politician, I am, then die. Think neoliberalism is thinking about the disaster demokracia. Does the existence, existence itself, is empty? Is that existence is the beautiful? Or is it perhaps that the beautiful is the trial itself? There is a relationship between the word and the fact that there may be depoliticized. The maelstrom progresses. Every word unexpected and unusual acts is the meta unusual gesture: the national liberation, liberation from what I am and who we are, very bizarre.

Despite all this, poetry becomes dreamy, passionate and metaphilosophical. Being, the passion of being, to its destruction (the death of the cosmos) are and will be possible. The mystic exegitiza (in the philosophical meat of God as far as possible). This is the scandal and this is the demonic sense: God thinks, God trine, the dogs shut up, that hoje fall and the wind stops. The moon has withdrawn an inch off the ground. Poetry (the very meaning of intuition, instinct, vision of the world), is the essence of what he is. And ethics is precisely what we love about terrible fate. The ethical is the inevitable (if) of poetry, essay, it is inevitable metaphilosophy politician: the test-poetic. There will be no split. The man himself unilaterally think and think the cynics-Sidas as the contradiction of his health. The disparity is made possible. The cowards, the enemies, the fraudulent are proper names multiply. The crowd in the world, worldly, faces the schizos of God, the mystical.

Poetry, then, the beautiful presence of the tragic and immoral. The ethical has entered a twilight zone (unpublished). The unprecedented, so language has not been made, the advance radical meta-grammar, is a suspect. The unprecedented is necessary. And the aesthetics of ugliness of Rosenknanz (street dolls of Christ, 1989, "Notes on the Xerox project", 2008) is the disgust of Kant proceeds modern, postmodern and metapostmodernamente. Kierkegaard's aesthetics and Notre Dame (Quasimodo), Preface to Oliver Cromwell, and Lautréamont established guidelines. The philosophy is shocked. Greatness immanence. The ugly, hunted by the technique that shows, no longer a challenge for beauty. Intimate, Werther, and is unstoppable. The idea, the whole language becomes tender. And this same sensibility, turns and becomes the great abstraction.

The reason is revealed markedly, and the sensible, all feeling, it becomes rational. The unconscious smile. Epistemologically the brain expands on the occurrence of empiricism. The "est-ethics" is revealed and concealed herself. Suicide may be an ethic. Here again the scandal: the abstract and the concrete becomes happens as the experience of neolibertario.

The unconscious is conscious!

This is the scandal: "Poetry is not a commodity. Poetry is a non-being in relation to this capitalist society that denigrates hidden. Between her and the bourgeoisie has always been and will be the denial that alienates. It has always been nothing. And this nothingness of non-being kills the poet of the unprecedented, kills poesiasofía poet. This is also the situation the metaphilosophy where everything that does not come from outside (Sloterdijk, Deleuze, Zizik, Givone, etc.) is demeaning.

The betrayal of poetry and metaphilosophy to the class in power is inevitable. The betrayal of the poet that comes to this relationship between class and him. This happens because the class has been sold in the cultural and political status quo (in immobility). This is because the objectivity, the mirror and approval have been broken. Subjectivity is the am. This is what I could not copy. Betrayal is the most abstract idea of \u200b\u200bimmanence. Treason is the "genius of the sensible." The "traitor" this hero of the negativity (from nothing), is the antihero of the metaphilosophy. He is the poet of the beauty of this non-being. Stinking of death, the colony did not resist. The poet-philosopher, thinker or not, is annoying. He is annoying. The poet-philosopher, poet and philosopher (Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Cioran) is disturbing. The Disturbing it is necessary to freedom. A liberty which he must disrupt. Given this "unfriendly", Kierkegaard said, "My personal business is somewhat annoying that, pathetically stubborn pseudonyms want. . . Keep them as unfriendly opposition. "

The power wanted to suppress the world. The practice is, therefore, the act of faith in God Reckless. The practice, because of their boldness, their ignorance, it seems to God. The strangeness of the fact fascinating. The subject is caught up in wonder. The subject is trapped by the dark light of being. In the dark-white (in that oxymoron of Seresta) the subject under discussion from noon to midnight, from being to non-being, from nothing to the epiphany. Being lag between lint and brown. (Being occurs between sadness and laughter.) The Metapoets no choice: trapped in his (in) rupture alone. This is the way unheard of freedom. And out of the political isolation is to betray. But the gesture of the scandal can not become self-betrayal. Treason policy must remain objective, class. Subjectivity in the republic has created its own objectivity and its own definition. No one can betray. The republic is both abstraction and objectivity itself. The ideal republic, is what can no longer think demokracia. (The philosophy is dying. The demokracia is serious.)

Being speech.

The poet can not escape sin. But, what is the meaning of this sin-metapostmoderno? The collaboration! The collaboration is the ideal sinner, Demokrat and devalued (the president of the relative, the governor of corruption, immorality lawmakers-), of postmodernism. This definition of sin breaks the concept of sinfulness-Christian. And God, where is all this? God supports and sponsors the "sin" of the poet metaphilosophical, but does not support the abominable sin of collaboration. Treason is as the "death of God" (like matricide, such as incest, and pedophilia). In the demokracia all have sinned. All are sold (all hate, all slander, blaspheme all). Le faith is a luxury (of subjectivity). Intimacy has become a commodity. The story of the mighty Erebus. The collaborators are evil. The moral of the collaborators is the heinous crimes of the law. Demokrat pornography law.

The objective content of interiority, of the breakdown of the stake, is the kaleidoscope of the Unconscious: God has become the carousel of the possibilities. And the mystic has chosen himself. May die or go crazy brutality of their choice may be choosing their brutality, the mystic prays erotic, political and "ateamente." The mystic reckless God, because God is absent, the Phantom, has violated a child. But the mystic praxis drunk inmudanalidad is sick of the world. The mystic does not despise the reality, but the baby. God is the same suspicion of a transcendent reality. The mystic, as metaphilosophical, as the hero, such as schizophrenia, only becomes clear when it disappears (when he dies). Freedom becomes absolute.

This is the paradox: the immutability of poetry is becoming (the essence of the dialectic, is the movement of the dialectic), the enigma. The poet, like the philosopher, have no limits. The limit does not exist. Since moving poetry paradox. If language is the limit world, as Wittgenstein assumed, poetry, language as a rupture of the "logical" denies. The test becomes beautiful. The test is suspect and is surprised himself. Contaminated poetry, essay leads to a paradox. Paradojiza poetry and contradicts the "sense" the same logic. His logic-of-being is more powerful.

Since everything is said. The world is empty. Nobody, with notable exceptions, neither has said or has thought. The world continues so that the language is always late. (The world is not written.) The brain of the poet-philosopher is expanding! And poetry, the unconscious itself, clean the brain produces dreams will inevitable as-poem, invented. The poet-philosopher is so schizo Simultaneous (the hero, the antihero, the eponym, the burned, the Adonis). He who places his life in the concept of metaphor or metaphor of the concept. These "strange" these city dwellers, these "outcasts", the "unemployment, these suicide Demokrat, these strangers, these reckless, these bold, these are disturbing, then, the very flesh of distress. The poet is desperate and thinks politically. Anxiety becomes metaphilosophical and sings. Everything is about to happen. Everything is "permitted." All begins.

Everything must happen. The decision has become imminent. Who chooses whom? Does one choose the poet (the Aristarchus), or the poet chooses one (the anointed)? Being joins (fuses, hackneyed, league). Being, the same special is what spins and coupling. Who chooses the rose? Who says the pink is pink? Does the breeze, the Oreo, the vahaje? Nobody tells! The same happens with the poet and philosopher. There is a decision to be, but this decision is related to the "persons-of-the-schizo. Someone has to be the master of your neighbor. The poet or metaphilosophical! "We-Self" que ha escogido al hombre, escogerá de nuevo. El poeta escogerá lo distinto, lo “ajeno”, lo diferente, en la decisión de “lo-Mismo”. El destino será radical. ¿Paradojo? El poeta es la presencia esencial de la paradoja. El poeta es la paradoja encarnada. (Este “determinismo” es la decisión de la libertá.) La libertá ha decidido verticalmente por sí, aunque a veces decide contra sí. A veces decide puertorriqueñamente contra sí misma. Pero yo he decido ser lo que ya soy (en la potencia de ser). Esta es, pues, la decisión absoluta de la libertá. El poeta prefiere morir antes que venderse. ¡La demokracia está en crisis!

Los candelabros are illuminated. *****

April 23, 2011 Puerto Rico

___________________ 1. Laughter is as heavy as death.
2. See Albert Camus, 300.
3. "Do not breathe the fumes of the city at the slaughterhouse dead spirit?" (Thus Spoke Zarathustra, 249).
4. See Thus Spoke Zarathustra, 278.
5. "I've never driven in my life to the powerful" (Thus Spoke Zarathustra, 245).
6. In the silence of the power metaphilosophical breathes anguish that has not been resolved.
7. Contemporary Thought.
8. See Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein.
9. Caligula is all the presidents.
10. Jean Baudrillard.
11. See Martin Heidegger.
12. "You fell on me like ghosts dirty" (Thus Spoke Zarathustra, 167).
13. See Kierkegaard.
14. See the moment.
15. George W. Bush as a prophet of sarcasm and guadramaña (or Moyano) and Barack Obama as the hostage of Republicans. The demokracia is maquiaveliza the lies of Bush and the weakness of Obama (in the anemia of Aníbal Acevedo and the nequicia Luis Fortuño). Bush and Obama (a Nobel Peace Prize falsified), as substitutes peeps Pope, remember anachronistically to Nero. He lied when he said that Christians had burned Rome and Bush lied when he said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
16. In the popular sense of the Puerto Ricans.
17. See "The signifier of the phallus" in Writing 2 of Jacques Lacan.
18. See "Yván Silén is a mystical poet" in God is an atheist.
19. See Diary of a seducer.
20. Jesus to the merchants (to the capitalists).
21. See Thought sings.
22. Foreign words are the wounds of language.
23. See Kierkegaard, the aesthetic construction, 30.
24. See the raw beauty (2008).
25. See Hernani.
26. See Bayoán's Pilgrimage, directly influenced by this work of Goethe.
27. See Kierkegaard, 31.
28. Emphasis added.
29. See Kierkegaard, 35.
30. Metaphilosophical The republic is as important as poetry.
31. See The Black Heralds of César Vallejo.
32. The annexation Word Festival from 4 to May 8, 2011 at the headquarters Ballajá.
33. Your choice may be the essence of his suicide intermittent.
34. "This is my blood. . . Which is shed for you "(Mark 14: 24).
35. See my essay José María Lima and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
36. See my antiensayo thinking or allegory sings of nihilism (2010).
37. See in this book "Lima and Wittgenstein."
38. Exterior reappears.
39. See The Grand Inquisitor in Ivan Karamazov. See the book "deicide Smerdyakov or an idiot."
40. Returns abroad. The meaning has become political that can only be expressed in the metaphilosophy and poetry.
41. This also happens with the musician and the mathematician.
42 This is related to love fate.


Adorno TH. W. Kierkegaard. Akal, Madrid, 2006.
Baudrillard, Jean. America. Anagram Editorial, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1987.
Heidegger, Martin. Being and Time. Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, DF, 1962.
Kierkegaard, Sören. Instant. Editorial Trotta, Madrid, 2006.
Lacan, Jacques. Written 2. Siglo XXI Editores, Mexico, DF, 1984.
Nietzsche, Friedrich. Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1983.
Todd, Olivier. Albert Camus. Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1997.
Sloterdijk, Peter. Critique of cynical reason. Siruela editions, Madrid, 2004.
Vallejo, César. The Black Heralds. Cátedra, Madrid, 2001.
Wittgenstein Ludwig. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Alianza Universidad, Madrid, 1975.


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