Friday, April 1, 2011

Initiation Ideas For Adults


Jesús Arencia Lorenzo, Cuba


Quien te viera Flor de Caña
Emerger del horizonte
Como sombrero de monte
Sobre testa de montaña
Luis Sexto

Con la aparente cordura
de un central semidormido
un hombre viaja al olvido
a buscar melaza pura.
En la férrea dentadura
del monstruo de dulce entraña
va quitando la maraña
del time-powder-
restless and cry lets him in suspense: Who do you see
Flor de Caña.

Man (The Reminder)
saved cart
voice and dry mouth in the restive
wisdom of that pain. "Flor de Caña
? "Reed in Florida?
bison syrupy, smoky branch
a mockingbird
sending away its song
to see the rail-road Emerge
horizon. Riding the guardarraya

of nostalgia greener
man moves and lost
where the Sun passes out. From a vantage crane

Ingenio says: "Set yourself.
Stop the ship-to-shore
Charon Rust takes you! "
And at last the mole is raised
As bush hat.

The bundle of sugar and good
captive in the mount

remembered the bravery of the peasant who fills.
When curtailed
mocha with rare zeal
scythe man thinks in his feat
and bitterness that hurts ... But the colossus

not die on the mountain head.


A Péglez, son naboriano

Indio: plow and verse and guitar and Eloína

knew the fine line one tenth of the universe.
In you the unique and diverse
joined trill and honey face groove
for the role
and stream
the cloud body to paint a cherub
and make a name, Noel. In your distress

planter was filled with country and city:
voice and humidity oven
not met untimely.
Spur, motor, aurora,
name history.
For you the landscape of eternal vocation assimilates

game and keep you as the blind
more light on the pupil.

Sleep, time, star, forget ...
With your eyes saw
our end time and said all the fruit
of memory and the nest
your touch made a
throat and now through magnetized vacuum
of a robust youth.
is to sow
a lute and sings the ground in Cuba.


To Reverend Raúl Suárez, on the ground.

The last

last us the decisive

closing all the voice of the earth from the pit
volcano dust which legitimizes their body
quiet subtle poison or avalanche of ice without face
no name or reputation
anonymous or fully hollow

no time to blunt edge
new idea
orphaned mute caress no panacea
lethal or whip
iron flange cease-trot

anger that consumes inert
river if the blood pours up to perhaps forget that word without further

not go with your signature


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