Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Difference Between Rabbit And Bunny


CRISTIAN Cayupan, Temuco, CHILE


The sun was covered in black. And as he
Oh Moon of my life, like hers, put on shades. Charles Baudelaire

in the tillage of
night or in the quiet of the day in the sleepless night

or rough evening

I'm just kidnapped in
in record time on routine .
In the sleepless night the darkness radiates
our shadows. In between the rocks

hurt a flower petals,
the days go without oversight
to their lairs, there refugianse
me or, at least what's left of my
I'm alone in this damned borders
with myself.
Under the tutelage of loneliness
dawn in vain, if you're not,
afternoon suffers from you:
but no one writes verses in the sand and the sea
responsible for reviewing them.
I am alone, writing poems in the maiden away
burdelpara whose marriage collapsed after having met me,
in the custody of anyone, I am away on your lips
withering and rotting on the night.
I do not see the light of day pass
or your smile.


is today you are in your name
dwell in the human that you are exercising your cheekbones

overflowing with mistakes.
The Citadel has closed the lights wander
emerge from the dusty streets and howl
desperate shadows;
of the underlying dark stone walled

voices in supplication forgotten. Walls built by cries

walls ruined by the time
withered forever screaming gasps

stones against the walls that have perished in the memory.


night here under this body
under this penumbra shadow weighs
here under the ground below this death

soul weighs under this martyrdom
here under this silence to torture my being

secret and melts my cries
were befuddled at the beginning of the dark shadows

we just beside the horse of death
next to empty, together with forgetfulness.


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