La Serena .- With the massive presence of students of History and Geography of the Universities Pedro de Valdivia and serenity, as well as other professions connected with Humanities, was held to launch the book "Land and History. Studies and controversies about the history of the Mapuche people in Chile. 1950-2010 "authored by historian and scholar Pedro Canales Tapia.
The activity took place in the Hall Gregorio de La Fuente, the former train station of La Serena, being the hosts of the academic book Cubillos Marcela Poblete, Maggie Draguicevic and journalist Gabriel Canihuante.
Draguicevis For Maggie, director of the career of History and Geography of the Universidad Pedro de Valdivia, this book contributes to the knowledge of Mapuche society, its problems and challenges. " In this sense, Gabriel Canihuante, University of the Sea, said the book of canals is a milestone in building a truly multiethnic and multicultural society. Finally, Marcela Cubillos historian at the University of La Serena, said that this work is an act of courage and commitment of historiographical and ethical rigor. Along
these three speakers, the Vice Chancellor of the University Pedro de Valdivia, Ricardo Cifuentes Lillo, raised the satisfaction of having the professor in that institution Channels, advocating the development of an inclusive and caring of their different cultural expressions.
After the presentation of the book, Professor Channels greeted and thanked the massive support received at the launch of his work, especially for students, evoking the link and work with them in recent years. Along with this he called the hearing to promote respect for diversity and indigenous expressions. Stimulating people to engage in the construction of a just and fraternal society.
After the intervention of the author, took out a happy meal. In this context, the attendance at the event expressed their views. According to Sara Campbell student "This activity is very important and necessary" for the teacher Carlos Alfaro "this time showing affection to Professor Channels", in the same vein Fabian Sena said "I'm happy, this is important work, where I had the honor of working with Professor "and finally, Mauricio Duarte said," was a very close to all the educational field, because the topic is transerval students college and high school. "
This book was funded by the Book, 2010 competition, the ConsejoNacional of Culture and the Arts. Soon "Land and History" will be presented in Temuco, April 15, and Santiago on the 29th of the month, and several cities in the country.
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