How to get rich with the hunger of others
economist Juan Torres complained in his book financial crisis. Guide to understand and explain in the website of Deutsche Bank could read a sign that said "Do you want to reap the benefits of a possible increase in prices of agricultural products? Deutsche Bank, as a distributor, offers two ways to benefit. " And then had two financial products through Luxembourg SICAV.Here in Spain, Caixa de Catalunya Announces " Deposit 100% natural . They claim this deposit gives you the opportunity to obtain an attractive return conditional on the evolution of a basket consisting of three commodities as sugar, coffee and corn. That is, the investor allocates a minimum of one thousand euros to a fund that benefits achieved so far up the price of these three products, as everyone knows, are staples in the diet and economy of millions of people in the Third world. Thus, if corn prices rise, thousands of people go hungry while the investor makes money Caixa de Catalunya. "How to get rich with the hunger of others," he could announce his advertising.
Gonzalo Fanjul writes in his blog post entitled "El Pais" Play your bank with world hunger? " [1] . They recalled that Michael Masters, now a fund manager at Masters Capital Management, complained a few weeks ago in The Guardian [2] speculation in food and stated that "people are dying of hunger while the banks make a killing in food. "As pointed out by the editor of The Guardian of environmental issues, John Vidal," is intended that the same bankers, investment funds and financial players whose speculation in global financial markets caused the mortgage crisis in the sub-prime are causing inflation and behavior 'yo-yo' food prices. The charge against them is that taking advantage of the deregulation of global commodity markets, are making billions by speculating with food and cause misery all over the planet. " In his view, the mid-nineties, due to pressure from banks and investment funds on the U.S. political and Britain, the regulation of commodity markets was abolished. So purchase and sale of food became "derivatives" that could be bought and sold among merchants who had nothing to do with agriculture. Thus was born a new market unreal, that of "food speculation." Cocoa, fruit juice, sugar, basic foods, meat and coffee are now products on the world market with oil, gold and metals. Then, in 2006, arrived in the United States disaster of the subprime mortgages and the banks and speculators fled in a stampede to move billions of dollars in pension funds and shares in safe commodities, especially food.
Well, now we know that these speculators are not so far from us, you can be our neighbor or ourselves and in our neighborhood can be a financial institution uses the money to make up the price basic foods at the expense of the lives of millions of people. Yes, Caixa de Catalunya is also a deposit Solidario, which covers around 50% of interest due charge the investor for a project of social work. Ie, they start their social work to the benefit of their clients not to the bank.
1 .- Fanjul, Gonzalo. "Play your bank with world hunger?". 05/04/21002 .- Vidal, John. 23-1, 2011The Observer Food speculation: 'People die from hunger while banks make a killing on food '
Source: http://amasandos.zoomblog.com/archivo/2011/04/13/como- get-rich-with-the-hungry-for-los.html
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